Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year's Resolutions Down the Drain Already?

Welcome, my friends, to a new year! Have you already given up on some new resolutions made in all sincerity and desire? Don't get discouraged and give up hoping for real change yet! Maybe it's just the right time to catch a fresh vision... I don't do New Year's resolutions anymore, at least not in the traditional sense. Several years ago resolutions morphed into goals...that sounded more realistic and achievable! In more recent years the whole concept has been revamped, but by the end of the year it becomes clear to me how trapped and enslaved I still am by the realization that it's all been done mostly by self-effort and self-improvement under the guise of growing in godliness...How very much I desire to live by grace and not by legalism, and yet I repeatedly find myself bound by rules and concepts, as if I was wrapped in double-sided sticky tape. The harder I try to escape and live in true freedom, the more tightly entangled I've become by the deceitful lies I allow to enter into my mind gate. That's one of my constant struggles AND resolutions--I resolve to become more attuned to and aware of capturing all the messages bombarding my mind and using newly acquired edit controls to assess the validity of each before allowing them entrance and setting up housekeeping. Most often the junk and lies are accepted as truth before I know what's happened, and then the walls of my mind are gradually, stealthily decorated with ugly, dark, and heavy stuff that takes me way out of balance and is very aesthetically unpleasing. Can anyone relate? Some of the most recent smelly rubbish hanging has been self-condemnation, shame, and a critical spirit towards others. Absolute yuck! Time to redecorate...Having a background in design, I understand the principles of design all too well. I just haven't applied my understanding to my soul!! It's so much easier to achieve captivating design with visible "things" in the world around me, yet such a full-time challenge with genuine "interior" design. I'm not at all inspired by what hangs in my mind, in fact, more often dragged down by all of it. Soooo, this being said, may I encourage you to join me in resolving to: stop working to improve anything about myself apart from our Father's love, power, and grace. Let me know if this resonates with you. Resolutions are great as long as that means the humble resolving to trust God in every part of my life by His truly amazing grace!! I'll be sending out practical tips on a semi-regular basis to encourage us along the way...and I want to hear your ideas and comments!