Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If I'm a Princess, Then Where is My Castle?

Whether or not I feel like it all of the time, God sees me through the precious blood of Jesus as His daughter, a royal princess. Wow! Still blows my mind to truly accept this reality. Princesses live in castles, right? Oh, how I would absolutely love to live in a castle! And I can, and so can you. It's a possibility through my daily choosing.
Consider this often-quoted verse from Nehemiah in the eighth chapter and tenth verse: "...Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
is the settled state of contentment, confidence, and hope. It is rooted in God. It is an inner sense of exaltation and
confidence in God, which the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers and
which we experience despite present sufferings.
We do not seek joy as a thing, but as a Person, the Person of God
Himself. He is my exceeding joy! (Psalm 43:4)
as used in Nehemiah 8:10 is not an ability given to me, it is a place. Strength here is a noun, as in
stronghold or fortress. This word
strength is used 50 times in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament as
a stronghold. A stronghold is that in
which a person trusts (good or bad). This
stronghold means a refuge, to be too strong for, to protect, to be kept safe, to
lift high (out of the pit).
So, in very simplistic terms, when I choose to be content and exult in the LORD, no matter the circumstances, or my present emotions, joy in the LORD is my place of safety and refuge. Isn't that what a castle is? How amazing and wonderful!

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